For some time, I have experienced pain in my lower back, particularly after long drives or activities that involved bending or lifting. About three months ago, I did some research on acupuncture and decided to try it. I made an appointment with Southside Acupuncture in Fort Worth. Immediately after the first treatment, my back was substantially better. I am now on a once a month maintenance schedule and back my continues to feel good, even after working out. For me, the acupuncture treatments have been very successful, and I highly recommend them.
I truly have no words for you. I feel amazing. I have cried tears of joy that my pain level went down to about a 2 from a 9 on Saturday. I have raved about you to everyone I know since I left your office. I have several people I have already given your information to because they have been wanting to try acupuncture for so long but afraid because they didn't know where to start. I feel like you are an answer to my prayers and that you can actually help me be the mom, wife, teacher and person I want to be again. Thank you so unbelievably much! I am SO thankful for you!
Cameron... This letter is to inform you I consider myself to be a total success as a result of treatment I received from you. Lying on your table, I felt a 20 year battle with chronic pain melt away. I was at a point where hefty doses of narcotics every day were no longer touching my pain. As another result of your treatment I will be spared a 19th surgery to try and alleviate the pain. What you have done for me is nothing short of completely amazing. I have already given your card to another person who will soon be contacting you for treatment. I count myself among the ranks of converted believers in Chinese medicine!
Southside Acupuncture, PLLC
Cameron Szok, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)
1810 8th Ave; Suite B
Fort Worth, Texas 76110
(p) 817-913-2421