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Women's Health/Infertility

In TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), we view the Women's Health/Infertility - body in terms of yin and yang. Yin is the black part with a white dot of yang within and vice versa. As a practitioner, I look for patterns of disharmony (collections of seemingly unrelated symptoms) to determine what needs to be shifted to bring the body back into balance to achieve optimal health. 

Treating problems related to the menstrual cycle is interesting, because what we know from a biomedical standpoint couples nicely with the yin/yang paradigm. The follicular phase of your cycle (first half) is yin in nature. The ovulation period is the transformation of yin to yang. The luteal phase is yang. For those familiar with tracking your cycle with temperature checks, this should make sense. Temps in the follicular phase are lower. Yin is cold. Temps in the luteal phase are higher. Yang is warm. 

Acupuncture can help with a variety of issues, whether you are trying to conceive or if you just want relief from dysmenorrhea, menstrual headaches, irregular bleeding, etc. If you have specific questions about your own situation, please reach out!




Women's Health/Infertility -        


Southside Acupuncture, PLLC
Cameron Szok, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. (NCCAOM)
1810 8th Ave; Suite B
Fort Worth, Texas 76110
(p) 817-913-2421